Posts Tagged ‘travel network headquarters’

Discount Air Travel

July 24, 2008

Hello ladies and gentlemen Discount Air Travel would like to inform you of some exciting new about the travel industry as a whole. Discount Air Travel states that the travel industry today is a 7 trillion dollar industry worldwide. In America alone travel it is a 1.3 trillion dollar industry.  Travel is the biggest trend of our lifetime and is the biggest industry in the world. 1.3 trillion dollars breaks down to 2.5 million dollars every 60 seconds sold in a years time span.  How would you like to be worth a minute of the travel industry? There are three major trends involved that we are going to discuss.  One being “travel”, we would like for you to ask yourself, “does this make sense”?

We would like to talk about the Internet trend for a bit. Discount Air Travel claims there are over 800 million users world wide and over 80 million American using the internet today and it is growing at such a rapid rate these days, but we have found new trend within the internet that has developed where people are not only buying off the internet, but now after a few years are feeling comfortable doing so. Remember when the internet first began, people were hesitant to give their credit card information online due to unawareness of security levels, but today most people don’t even think twice about doing so when purchasing.

According to Discount Air Travel, the home based business industry is another trend that most people aren’t too aware of that is taking off. Research states that the home-based industry is the largest segment of the U.S. economy. Online travel agents are the largest sector of the home-based business industry.  The reason that you do not see open doors and offices for travel agencies anymore is because in 1995 all airlines cut commissions for travel agencies and agents. Research done by Discount Air Travel claims that over 200,000 brink and mortar travel agencies closed their doors and with the rapid growth of the internet, it just made sense for all the agencies to start booking online at their homes instead of paying rent for office space. Since travel agents have now moved their business to the convenience of their home, by doing so they are now able to participate in the tax savings advantage toward their home and even personal expenses owning a home based business. The amount of tax savings according to Discount Air Travel are substantial for home based business owners allowing them to save thousands of dollars of their hard earned money each year.  Discount Air Travel research statistics say that by the end of the decade, half the homes in America will have a home-based business because of the tax savings. Discount Air Travel asks you, “doesn’t it make sense to write off expenses you are paying for already if they tie into your business?” Traveling to and from business meetings for home based business purposes allows you to write of the taxes for gas which is a huge advantage, especially with current inflation.

The last trend that Discount Air Travel wants to discuss that is over looked immensely is one that is obvious and has been capitalized on over the many years are the baby boomers. The baby boomers are the people that were born between the years of 1946 and 1964.   The husbands would return home from war from seeing their wives and love was made. More than 78 million American’s fall into the baby boomer era and represent the largest section of population. Baby boomers have set the trends in many industries and companies such as Mattel with toys, Ford with the Mustang, birth control, the creation of the minivan, etc. The health and wellness industry is going to experience a market shift because of the science of medicine and baby boomers simply just want to live longer. Stating in 2006 a person turns 60 years old every 8 seconds until 2024.

Now that we have these 4 major trends, Discount Air Travel is going to show you what is going to happen to the travel industry. In the next 5 to 10 years reliable statistics say that the travel industry is going to double from 7 trillion dollars to 14 trillion dollars worldwide creating the biggest market shift in history.   You might ask “how is that so?”  With the given information above you can see that since 2006 a person turns 60 every 8 seconds until 2024. 60-65 years old in a retirement age era for most. Now what do people want to do when they retire? Of course they want to travel and see the world, not only by themselves but also with their families.  If we asked 100 out of 100 people, “what would you like to do if you had more time and more money?’  They say travel every single time. Discount Air Travel predicts that it’s hard to say if the price for traveling will either go up or go down during this market shift. Most likely it will go up because there are only so many seats on a plane and only so many rooms in a hotel. Therefore more planes will have to be made and more hotels will have to be built.  Starting from 2007 to 2012, more cruise ships are being built in 5 years than the last 45 years combined.

It really isn’t very secretive about the enormous market shift in the travel industry that is going to happen. Donald Trump opened a chain of hotels around the world and opened an online travel agency. Why did he do that? Because there is a market shift, and he wants to capitalize in on it.  The great thing about being an agent with Discount Air Travel is that you do not have to sell people to travel, they are going to do it with or with out you. You see the great thing about owning an online travel business is that it shows that referral marketing is powerful. Discount Air Travel knows that our friends, family, and people they know would rather book with us versus a highly advertised site like Expedia, Orbitz, and Travelocity if the prices are the comparable or even better. We guarantee that pretty much every time someone opens his or her mouth about being a travel agent in conversation, the person they are speaking to will ask for a business card or contact information. There is a lot of money to be made in this industry.  Discount Air Travel highly suggest you think about owning your own online travel agency to save you and your friends money on travel you or they are going to do anyways.

Owning an online travel agency and going through travel agent school can cost about 10 to 20 thousand dollars when all said and done, but there are many travel agencies out there that allow you to become an agent by simply paying a small fee to become a referral travel agent with in their agency. When you become a travel agent with Discount Air Travel, you now have you hands in the industry and are able to receive the perks and benefits of being an agent. There are extreme discounts that allow travel agents to travel under wholesale rather than retail. These are called “fam trips” which is short for “familiarization trip”. Fam trips are created by the vendors for travel agents and supply the agents with vacations for pennies on the dollar to go to their property and experience top-notch treatment so that you enjoy your stay and the vendors assume you will promote their business. It is probably the best marketing budget vendors have to choose from. For more information on how to start a home based travel agency please visit Discount Air Travel.

Success to you,
Brian Marshall